Recirculating Resources

Our operation consists of four high-tech, hydroponic greenhouses, totaling 26 acres, which produce a combined 11+ million pounds of nutritious and flavorful tomatoes each year.

But that’s not all, the 110 acres of sugarcane located adjacent to the greenhouses ensure that excess water and nutrients are put to good use as we expand.

Our operation uses less than 20% of the water – and produces 14x greater yield per acre – than field-grown tomatoes.

Growing mission

Any food company will tell you that food safety is their number one priority. At Vista, we achieve the highest level of food safety while also achieving social and environmental impact.

Why hydroponic?

We grow hydroponic tomatoes because they use less than 20% of the water that average conventional tomatoes require, and the growing conditions can be better managed to reliably ensure consistent, quality and high yield tomatoes.

Focused on life

Our state-of-the-art greenhouse and hydroponic technology allows us to create a safe and clean growing and working environment for our plants and our team.